Dear friend,
A very good morning.(Good More Earning)
I hope you are doing good and this mail reached you in good health.
I am happy to write this mail to you. I want to see you happy.
Just to introduce myself..
I am a student from IIT Kanpur. Topper with a 10/10 CPI in M.Tech Batch in chemical Engineering Department.
I have many accolades from my childhood and the best among them is “Ambuja Young Research Award Winner “ you can type it in Google and find my name.
I did best in my academics and now working for a best PSU in India which is famous by the Technical knowledge it holds.
I faced problems in my childhood particularly financial. I mean I saw .Though my father is a bank employee ..Just to manage the family he sent my mother for Job. She is a B.Ed. So she worked as a teacher. As she could not manage time she never used to take food properly and thus lost her good health.She stopped going to job and again became financially in trouble for her medicines also. Father is a very good and great person as he love the family but the things are not in his control as we are playing as per the destiny…
Similar would be the story of many families. That is why we are looking for jobs. There is financial tensions in many families and that is what create many problems.
“The Most Dangerous situation is to live with a empty pocket”---As said by Rex Maughan, Founder of Forever Living products
I always thought that this is true. We might missed many special moments because of Money. It happened with me. As I cannot get leaves I could not attend many special events.I could not attend my best friends marriage. Also I could not live a life I wished and could not buy things I thought.
I was always thinking.
I am a very good student from my child hood. Studied in prestigious institutes. Didn’t enjoy some good moments because of Exams and assignments. Saw my brother getting scolded by my parents for not studying well. But by the end of the study we both joined a job. To say , this is my third Job.
· I saw my friends, various kinds of friends
1. Who really worked hard in studies and did wonders in terms of their performance.
2. Who really didn’t get good study (because of their financial problems)
3. Who really didn’t study well (Though Their parents provided everything for them)
Now All of them are earning. All of them mainly by doing a job. Most of them are in Software field. Then I though what did Education bring difference in all these kinds of friends. For studying we are paying lakhs starting from our childhood . Also we always blame our education system that the system is framed for marks ,but not for real knowledge. Also no one is satisfied with their Jobs nor their boss. As they are not getting what they expect.
So the genesis is Education is not creating anything but good friends,few days of enjoyment and abit of Knowledge. Also we always forget what we study .We always get trained for the new job we handle and .Any engineer is ok for a software job. But Ranks in competitive exams which comes through Education gives you the choice of your degree and college which eventually are of no difference as friends from different colleges joins same company,Thanks to mass recruitment of the software companies.
Present day study is not creating mainly two things that is most necessary for any individual for his life time.
Ø Money management which is very much needed for a successful lifeØ People management
I mean the Success of our life depends on how wisely you invest money and how good you are with people
Also we see many students who might have studied well up to some classes may not be doing well after wards and also the reverse effect that few bad students create miracles. My brother is Topper and Gold medalist in IIT BHU.(He was scolded from child hood.),But still he is not able to get his favorite Job.
An example from past(If I am wrong correct me).In medical entrance exam one good student got I think 4thrank. He didn’t get the seat he wished. The next year he again appeared then he got 1strank. But still he could not get his favorite seat .Surprised but it is true. That seat was reserved. Finally he approached ,The then CM of Andhra Pradesh Late. Dr. Rajasekhar Reddy, and some how he could make it possible. (I am not against reservation but we cannot change it.It is necessary,as reservation system is created with a purpose). Also we know that if we have money we can buy engineering or any seat in Management Quota. but it is not true always.
So Finally we all work hard from our childhood studying only to get a good job and even those who don’t study well also can get the same job. Only a few research jobs need real Knowledge and proper Education.
The negative part of this education system is ,it creates so much of tension in children. They are losing their healthy life and beautiful childhood always they live with books day and night.Not burning their time under the sun.And, Sorry now more TV or video games.But again as they grow they will look for a job.And would be only looking for a pay cheque as they feel they deserve it as they didn't study well from the child hood. The cycle will not change. I am also in the same cycle.
Another doubt which is in mind is that “
The rich don’t have any issue with regards their child education. Though he study or not it doesn’t matter. Finally the rich will give his riches to his dependents. It grows.”MONEY MAKES MONEY”. They keep trying many new things. They take the risk. If successful they will get more richer .or they may lose some part of their big chunks of money but again they will try. They will enjoy in this process. They have their free time. They can go to office. Need not if they wish. Also they are in a position to give a paid holiday for the whole staff.
Can We Be Like Them
No, Its not possible. Our father is not very rich so do we. Also we have to pay back for what our father has invested in our education and then take loan for buying things, also for our house, again for our children education .etc. This is a continuous cycles of all the middle class. The middle class never change and so their fortune and money never change. They think that to be in a job is safe and risk free. Is it so. Are we really feeling safe. I don’t think so. Recession is always going along with us. I aslo felt that as a topper from IIT Kanpur, I will be always in demand, But the fact it that as just during our placement time Recession knocked our doors.and we didn’t get good placements as we thought .All good companies that were earlier planning to come, didn't turn up. Is it my mistake. I don’t blame my luck.It is the system.By not taking me Companies didn’t loose.But I lost a very good opportunity. If you are out of campus and if you are not placed in campus interview,every one knows how difficult is to get a job in open competition. Also this is the reason we will choose good colleges as they will give some assurance of placement.
Some times we can see that though we are placed we are not happy and we keep changing jobs.Is Salary the only criteria?No it is not the only criteria.The kind of job,The job environment,the future prospectus,Family requirements and also our colleagues have a role.
I read about this short truth..
In the world there are 4 categoris of people
1)Job holders.(who work for other)
2)Self employed (like the private practiotioners like doctors,Lawayers,CA, etc…)
*****(Some one can ask me here,By education we can do this ,But just think who will go for these professions,Generally doctors , Lawyers,CA has some of their parents or very good relatives already doing this profession from which they gain energy and guidance to go for these courses. Lighter part of it is that ,many a times their marriages will also be done with same professions.Finally same Genes…Also many who don’t have their parents or any such support will not take this profession until his parents provide full financial support and also they can always wait till he finish his course.Also to become succeessfull he should get good support.So finally again they indirectly come to rich category)
3)Business men(Like our Reliance and TATA or even our nearest Pan /Grocery /medical shop)
4)Investors(Like stock market investors, venture capitalist)
I want to discuss about each trade a little ..
1)Job holders: They always be a job holder. In most cases,their generations will also be job holders. The bad part of it is,JOBS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE,JUST LIKE MONEY". I cannot transfer my job in the same position that I hold now.
*****(For example, If I am AGM of a company, If somehow I am not in a position to do the job, My children or even my wife will not be given my job though they are equally qualified in education or even more qualified than me. No company allows this. So we are not able to transfer our position. So our children should again start from the beginning where we started.)
2)Self employed: there are also a few in this category. they are sometimes in a position to earn more money compared to the job holders. But still they are always at risk in terms of earning
*****(For Example, If a very good surgeon lost his/her hands, If a very good lawyer loses his speech. These are accidental things but still they happen. Then in this case, it is the end of their career. Their Money source. Money will not come if they stop working. Education or our Degree cannot help …). Also there are only a few in this profession.
3)Business men:Though there are many in this category starting from a small Pan Shop to a very big multi billion company.They are still less in comparision to the sum of above 2 categories.They have tensions but not financial problems.(I am not talking about Pan shop are financially sound.But there is a choice for them to earn more.They have a chance to turn their Time to money)
4)Investors: They have the most luxurious life in the world.They enjoy every moment.Every one work for them.(I am again not talking of small stock investors whose livelihood is stock markets.They can turn as per their wish.Warren Buffet is a very good example.He just buys and sells companies not shares.Just imagine. Also many venture capitalist who fund the start-ups with very good ideas or a small business with a very good expansion chances.Though their money is in risk,The rules are always in their favor.)
Also as per Statistics
1)The category 1 and 2 comprises 95% of world population. They hold 5% of world money
2)The category 3 and 4 comprises 5% of world population. They hold 95% of world money
But This is the truth that cannot be digested.Why is this Gap.Can it be changed.Many economists and financial analysts thought of it.But,They don't have a solution.But why this gap is still maintaining at the same level though the world is making many new rich people .Like the recent example of Facebook owner.
But A Good News for every one..........
whom so ever wish to join the elite club of rich people. There are great chances.As the days are changing so is the opportunities.There are many opportunities in market now.And it is up to you to choose one to get your dreams a reality.Look at the Opportunities Tab for more details.
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